Stand Out, But Don't Stand Alone. Join Our Dynamic Community!

Unlock Your Potential As A Member

Elevate your professional journey with a boost in the "fast forward mode." Engage with like-minded individuals who share your ambitions and relish the rewarding opportunity to contribute significantly to the advancement of the advertising industry in Las Vegas. Waste no time and become a member of our esteemed community today!

When it comes to joining AAF, we have a single prerequisite: your commitment to enjoying the experience.

By acquiring a membership, you'll forge meaningful connections, establish relationships with prospective employers, gain insights from industry experts, and indulge in the camaraderie over a few refreshing brews. And this is just the beginning!

Experience Exclusive Benefits

The American Advertising Federation (AAF) is the Unifying Voice for Advertising. The AAF's 40,000 national members share a commitment to make advertising a positive force in America's economy and culture. We are advocates for the rights of advertisers and we educate policy makers, the news media and the general public on the value that advertising brings to the well-being of the nation. Advantages of Membership include:


  • Gain exposure through Corporate Sponsorship spotlight audio interview

  • Corporate promo video placed on our site and distributed in a newsletter

  • Share your company profile on the AAFLV website directory.

  • Company name/logo highlighted on our website/newsletter throughout the year

  • 1 open house event hosted at your agency (members only event)

  • Access to our membership directory

  • Post Job opportinitues on the AAFLV job board

  • Highlighted as Corporate sponsor at our annual Jingle Mingle Holiday party

  • Discounted ADDY Awards entry fee

  • Ability to nominate members to our board of directors

  • Save with Affinity Partnership Discounts


  • Monthly AAF-LV E-Newsletter 

  • Inclusion in the AAF-LV online membership directory 

  • Discounted reservation rates for professional development events and annual ADDY® [American Advertising] Awards show

  • Discounted ADDY® Awards competition entry fees

  • Monthly professional networking mixers

  • Promotional opportunities for your business

  • Access to the National AAF Conventions

  • Access to the National AAF leading industry executives and opinion makers - communications and news briefs

  • Mentoring and student scholarship opportunities

  • Serve on the AAFLV committees.

  • Vote for and serve on the AAFLV Board of Directors